Information For You...
Check the "Weekly Homework and Behavior Sheet" for daily homework and daily behavior. Weekly spelling words, daily homework assignments and behavior of the day are on the sheet. Please sign the sheet daily.

Graded papers and other information come home weekly.  Check the yellow envelope, inital the papers, and sign the outside of the envelope.

Accelerated Reading is 18 points for the nineweeks--approximately 2 points a week.  The eighteen points will  count as a C for a nine weeks test score.  Students are given class time to read and are expected to read at least 20 minutes every night.  Reading is the key to education and practice is the only way to improve. Please make reading important to you and your child. 

The amount of sleep your child gets greatly affects their performance.  Please make sure they get at least eight hours every night.
                        We are studying about...
Math--Unit 5, "Landmarks and Large Numbers"
Sessions 1.1 - 1.6, "How Much Is 1,000?"
Sessions 2.1 - 2.6, "Adding It Up"
Sessions 3.1 - 3.5, "Working with Numbers to 10,000"
Sessions 4.1 - 4.1, "Subtraction"
Language Arts--Unit 3, "That's Amazing!" 
Objectives: 1.01 - 1.06 Discovering words--what they mean, how to read and pronounce them, how to use them in writing, and how to look them up .
Objectives: 2.01 - 2.09 Exploring different texts--comprehendening what I read, knowing the different kinds of text, and being able to discover the main idea and determine the details. 
Objectives:  3.01 - 3.03 Responding to what I read--analyzing words, examining characters, knowing the point of view, making inferences, drawing conclusions, and analyzing the different genres. 
Objectives 4.01 - 4.02 Using oral and written language to convey information and ideas.
Objectives 4.03 - 4.09 Using the writing process to produce expository and narrative works.
Objectives 5.01 - 5.09 Writing with style--all my words are correctly used in my writing--spelling and conventions.
Stories we are reading:
"The Stranger"
Vocabulary:  autumn, draft, etched, fr"ost, mercury, perculiar, thermometer, timid

 Vocabulary: crossly, elegant, godmother, orphan, peasant, proud

"Heat Wave"
Vocabulary: affected, horizon, miscalculated, singe, temperature, weather vane

"The Borrowers," and "Lord of the Fleas"

Vocabulary: draught, protruded, curious, object, turmoil, magnificent, carousel, harness, attraction, instincts, catapult, feat, delicate

Social Studies--Chaper 2

Objective: Goal 3  Exploring 
North Carolina's past.  How was our state settled?  What are the regions of our state? 

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